UE4.26 Cant Launch Game in Editor

Hey peeps! Back again!

I’m trying to launch my game through the editor and get this error log: error for launching game - Pastebin.com

I 'm unsure what to do, and am curious if anyone can help out? Thanks!!!

It appears that the error is related to a missing or incompatible version of the UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll file. It also shows that the script assembly “Assembly-CSharp-firstpass.dll” has failed to load.

It is recommended that you check your Unity installation to ensure that all necessary files are present and up to date. Also you can try deleting the “Library” folder in your project.

uhhh this is unreal engine, not unity?

there is no library folder in the project?

From your log:

LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file ‘C:\Users\link1\Perforce\DesktopWorkspace3\Binaries\Win64\BL00Dexe.exe’

It can’t create that file for some reason. It probably exists already and is locked/readonly/open already?

I have a strong suspicion that your Binaries folder is checked in to perforce. It should not be, because perforce locks files as read-only until you check them out. Make sure the Binaries folder is in your p4’s ignore list.

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i haven’t created a .p4ignore file yet! ill make sure to make one! thanks, ill check back to let you know if it works!

seemed to work! thanks!

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