The exact problem: I will explain and this is really awful.
1: I compiled the engine from official source v4.26.2 from official git.
2: I created the C++ project without starter content by using the newly build v4.26.2
3: Visual studio is loaded and the engine is automatically closed.
4: The project is successfully compiled in visual studio.
5: I tried to start the project in the editor by opening myproject.uproject
6: The editor is not started and complains that the project is created by another version of UE4, rebuild the project.
7: If I click yes to rebuild the project, actually it will not rebuild the project but will crash UE4 x64 binaries and will give exception some kind of dlls libfbxsdk.dll are missing, reinstalling the engine will fix this issue.
8: I have 2 times Recompiled the engine because of this crash.