UE4.26.2(4-26) release running on Ubuntu 18.04 check(InAllocatorIndex < (1<<ALLOCATOR_INDEX_BITS)) failed

Hi,rencently, i got a Assertion failure, i changed the offical buluprint project thridparty a little, after running some time, i got a failuer as follows:
[2022.03.03-10.07.42:979][180]LogCore: Assertion failed: InAllocatorIndex < (1<<ALLOCATOR_INDEX_BITS) [File:UnrealEngine-4.26/Engine/Source/Runtime/VulkanRHI/Private/VulkanMemory.cpp] [Line: 3732], which is “check(InAllocatorIndex < (1<<ALLOCATOR_INDEX_BITS))”, i do’t know why, any idears? i got the whole log
testtimeout.log (5.0 MB)
testtimeout.log (5.0 MB)