UE4.25 saving sound question

Hello people,

I have notices that even if I do regular save and auto-save on my project I still have to save the imported sounds when I close the UE editor.
So I was wondering based on that, not all parts been saved in auto save or manual. What else is been saved on closing a project? what happens in case my project crash? Do I need to save blueprints in manual way?

Save button (and AutoSave) only applies to the current level, and any changes made in it.
Assets (like SoundWaves) can be saved with their own Toolbar Save button, or by selecting them in the Content Browser
and hitting CTRL+S or RightClick > Save. You can also press “Save All” in the Content Browser to save the level and everything else.
Blueprints need to be compiled and saved, which can be done together with “Save on Compile” set to “Always”
Hope that helps :slight_smile: