I packaged the project in Unreal Engine 4.25 and it was completed quickly, almost at the speed of light, but no files were generated. I only found this information in the log:
LogUObjectHash: Compacting FUObjectHashTables data took 0.81ms
LogMainFrame: Selected target: FPSGame
LogLauncherProfile: Unable to use promoted target-…/…/…/…/…/Projects/UE4/SimpleFPSTemplate-UE-4.18/Binaries/Win64/FPSGame.target does not exist.
I did not find the FPSGame.target file in this path in the log. Only the FPSGameEditor.target file. What is the problem?
One of my team member encountered the same issue today.
We resolved it by compiling the game in “Development” instead of “Development Editor” in visual studio.
After that, the xxx.target file had been generated and we could package our project.
First of all you for your help, but unfortunately I still did not generate the xxx.target file. Is this file generated in the “{Project}/Binaries/Win64” directory?
the file is defnitely generated , but it doesn’t solve the problem , it still asks for the file to be in the ‘android’ folder not in ‘win64’ , I tried copying it to android folder , but now it says that , that file is not for promoted target . I don’t understand what to do about it now .