Whenever i tried to package project or launch in my android phone, i get this error:“UATHelper: Packaging (Android (Multi:ASTC,DXT,ETC2)): ERROR: cmd.exe failed with args /c “C:\Users\eyüp\Documents\Unreal Projects\TheGame\Intermediate\Android\gradle\rungradle.bat” :app:bundleDebug”
Im having the same issue, did you find a fix? i dont have any gradle settings in my project settings. using 4.25.1 and studio 3.5.3 and all paths are set.
For me the problem was with the version of Java I had. I used version 15 and got this error, but after downgrading to Java 8, it compiled.
If you have Android Studio, it comes with it’s own version of java. Just point “Location of Java” in Project settings > Android SDK to this location: [INSTALL LOCATION]/Android Studio/jre
For me the problem was with the version of Java I had. I used version 15 and got this error, but after downgrading to Java 8, it compiled.
If you have Android Studio, it comes with it’s own version of java. Just point “Location of Java” in Project settings > Android SDK to this location: [INSTALL LOCATION]/Android Studio/jre
I removed all of the files for android studio and codeworks (which took some work for some reason) and started with this process from scratch, also installing JDK 15 fresh.
It worked. The “cmd.exe failed with args /c” failure is gone. I hope this works for you. I spent a week looking for the answer, and this 20 minute step-by-step setup solved the problem.
side note: my desktop system has not had this issue at all, and is still set up differently, for some reason the laptops would not work unless this exact setup is in place.