UE4.25 cmd.exe failed with args

I’ve built a bunch of times and installed the application on my phone for testing, and there were no problems. As I decided to create a version for Google Play, errors started.
The error also occurred on versions a couple of years ago on UE 4.18, but then I deleted NVPACK, downloaded again and everything worked, but now:

The setting was this:

ERROR: cmd.exe failed with args /c “G:\UE\Falcoware\Check_Reaction\Check_Reaction\Intermediate\Android\armv7\gradle\rungradle.bat” :app:assembleRelease

I run rungradle.bat separately and everything is OK, but if I run it as administrator, it gives an error:

Помогите исправить, буду очень благодарен

Yes, I did it yesterday, and it’s work now, thank you very much for your answer

Into Project Setting >> Android >> “scroll” Build >>Set Support arm64[aka arm64-v8a]

Into Project Setting >> Android >> “scroll” Build >>Set Support arm64[aka arm64-v8a]

I had this problem for a week, trying on two laptops with zero success. Found this video , titled: UNREAL ENGINE 4.25.1 PACKAGING FOR ANDROID TUTORIAL UPDATED! : UNREAL ENGINE 4.25.1 PACKAGING FOR ANDROID TUTORIAL UPDATED! - YouTube

I removed all of the files for android studio and codeworks (which took some work for some reason) and started with this process from scratch, also installing JDK 15 fresh.

It worked. The “cmd.exe failed with args /c” failure is gone. I hope this works for you. I spent a week looking for the answer, and this 20 minute step-by-step setup solved the problem.

side note: my desktop system has not had this issue at all, and is still set up differently, for some reason the laptops would not work unless this exact setup is in place.

not work for me

What fixed it for me was closing the project and deleting the Intermediate and Saved folders. Open it again and it worked packaged fine

What fixed it for me was closing the project and deleting the Intermediate and Saved folders. Open it again and it worked packaged fine

It does happen again after a while, just delete the folders and restart again