Hi guys, so does anyone know how to animate a spawned actor in UE4? For instance, the spawned actor is different from the mesh assigned to the on the actor Blueprint. When I tried to animate the spawned actor, it cannot animate because there’s no Timeline node available. It does, however, teleport itself from location to location with SetActorLocation, which works, but isn’t what I’m trying to accomplish. Can anyone please help me out with how to animate a spawned actor?
Example image (I’m trying to spawn an actor from Widget Blueprint drag and drop function to the viewport then animate it):
Your question is convoluted. I am conflicted of what you are trying to do?
When you say you want to animate a spawned actor, do you mean you spawn a actor with a mesh into the world and then i doesn’t play its animations? Here you could use ‘Set Anim Instance’ and choose the correct Animation Blueprint.
I don’t what you mean by Timeline node? If you just want it to trigger when it enters the world you can use ‘Begin Play’ to trigger it. Begin Play will trigger once an actor is spawned into the world.
Your set actor location is just moving your actor to a fixed point (0,0,5000) in world space. If you want a point relative to something you need some vector math
If this didn’t help then just write exactly what you want to do and i might be able to help better