Greetings @EcevilGames
Welcome to the Unreal Engine Community Forum. Could you provide a crash log? That’d be a solid starting spot. I’ll be happy to take a look!
Greetings! @FrostyJas Thanks for the answer. I have tried shipping again after deleting saved and intermediate files. This is my output log. I hope this is what you meant.
The log we’re looking for is generally located in a place such as 'c:\Program Files\Unreal Engine\4.0\Engine\Programs\CrashReportClient\Saved' (This is for 4.0. You’ll want to go in the version folder that you’re using)
Also, that screen shot is giving the ‘0 instances of that module name found’ which is usually due to a plugin that was in a project that may have been removed yet is still being called for somewhere in the files. If you had a plugin included that you removed, you may have to start there.