I get this crash report while playing the game that I am working on. Never had it in UE 4.16 but after migrating to 4.18.0 this sometimes pops up and I am not able to isolate the issue that makes it crash.
Anybody has an idea where to look as it all seems to be in the core and something to do with navigation? Could this be a 4.18 bug?
We currently have this issue in our database, however, we are looking for a way to reproduce it internally. If you could provide a zipped up project that we could use to reproduce the crash, or reproduce it in a clean project and provide us with a list of detailed repro steps, that would be helpful as we work towards getting this issue resolved:
Hi, thank you for your response. However I am unable for now to provide a zipped version of my product. It seems to happen random so I am unsure as to when it happens. It seemed to happen more often when there are a lot of characters on screen moving towards the player and playing in the VR Preview. I just had the issue when there are no characters yet on screen though…
What I can say is that the issue is not there when playing the game with a shipping build.
I hope this can help… even if it is only a small bit.
Hi, have this issue too (same call stack).
It happen random too, but maybe I have some hints to reproducing issue.
My project targeting VR.
I use Windows 10 with that buggy Fall update.
VS 2015 Community edition.
This crash has higher chance to occur when during testing of some mechanics I need quickly many times press and release GRIP on one of Vive controllers.
Sometimes I have another crashes where callstack at higher part identical, including FSlateApplication::PrivateDrawWindows, but ended at FSlateRHIRenderer::DrawWindows_Private line 1072
Thanks for the additional info, let us know if you are able to narrow it down any further in the future. Any information helps us reproduce it internally.
As I have replied in the other thread, I have the same problem.
Not sure if it will help, I have an almost standard VRTemplate locomotion system, except that I removed the look rotation with the touchpad.
Everything is static in my scene when crash happens. (some GPU particles are floating in the scene, not many, less than 1000 in total).
For me the issue is completely random. But it seems more prone to occur when I teleport often, especially when teleport destination is not correct(e.g. when you point out of allowed area, the arc disappears and you let loose the touchpad).
Since I have another, not related to this, bug, with the build, I am playing with VRPreview.
Running on windows 10 (got the issue on 2 different OS builds).
HTC Vive (3 different sets), latest update of SteamVR on both machines.
Engine version 4.18.1
Although the project went through whole lot of upgrading, first version was made in 4.12, and upgraded through every engine build.
I will try to strip up my project from confidential data and upload for you to test tomorrow.
UPD: I just had it crashed again on a Lenovo P71 laptop with Nvidia P5000, also Win 10, 10.0.16299. Other 2 computers I mentioned run 1080 and 1080 Ti.
Here’s the log from the crash, if you could give me an email I can send you the dump from attached to process Visual studio 2017 (seems I cannot upload .dmp to the forum)
I am not teleporting anywhere (at least not at the point the exception occurs). My game is spawning many enemies at a random location inside a box-volume. The box is above a landscape but I cannot guarantee that the spawn-box is always above the landscape as the landscape has hills and pits. Maybe something to do with setting actor location that sometimes reaches an edge-case that causes an exception. Strange that the exception does not occur when playing a release build.
Hope this helps in finding the bug.
Getting the same crash. It seems to occur when the navmesh is being scanned by teleporter. The teleporter BP I am using is modified version of the template.