I made a login system witch displays messages for bad or success login ( example: “Error user not found” in case of bad login ). All works fine when I try it in stand-alone mode. When I package my game messages are not displayed.
Why? Is there a command to display all messages ?
Sounds like your using the print string node ?
If so that only works in development not when packaged.
If not then ignore the previous answer and then I would ask for more information. A screenshot of the offending BP.
Yes I am using print string and now I know that print string doesn’t work on packaged game. Is there a way to display messages? I tried with draw text but with no result.
Use a widget to show the message.
setup a widget with a text box where you want it on the screen then bind a function on its visability and where you have it call the error print string have it call that function and switch it to true.
add the widget to view port when you start the game.
Here is a good resource on Bp Widgets
Thank you. I know how to make a widget but I have no idea how to male what you suggested. I am searching for some example but still not anything
Ok I fixed trying as you suggested. Thank you!!
Cool Please mark as answered Ty