So, I haven’t done this, but running through the video real quick. Are you sure that the Death Event is being called properly? Print string right after the Death Custom event to make sure it is.
UE4.12.5 Endless Runner Blueprint video 3 creating obstacles. Everything works fine except I’ve completed the video but at the death scene the character is not exploding, and the camera continues to move. I went through the video twice and double checked everything, I don’t see this question in the community. Run Character is not exploding on death, and camera continues to move forward when not a direct center hit.
Here’s my death string, I tried backing the camera up, just to see if the camera was to close and missing the animation.
Alright so, you didn’t do a print string after Death event starts. And you didn’t confirm if it prints. So not sure what you want me to look at really.
Please provide the screenshots for the whole graph there.
Make sure you have collisions enabled on the rock.
You should probably start with the Starter Tutorials and then work up to Game Projects so you understand what each node does. Or at the very least, when introduced to a new node, you do the proper research so you understand what you are doing and why.
Sadly, most of the tutorials will just talk to through the process, but not tell you what the reasoning is and why they are doing it.
Most expect some basic comprehension on the topic and when you’ve been doing it for so long, they forget all about the little guys/gals
With all that said, you still didn’t do what I asked and that was to create a simple print string and make sure that death and in turn disable input was working. You need to learn how to properly debug your own blueprints, it is very important to learn it at the beginning. If spawn emitter attached is not working, perhaps try another Spawn OR create a Blueprint of your particle and then spawning that instead.
You can also try changing up the location type to Keep World Position, or something else. But, you need to make sure those functions are actually firing. Put that BP window somewhere you can keep a close eye on it and click on debug when you start, so you can ensure it is executing.
He didn’t mention a print string in the video, may have been different before this newer version was released. Is this a function that should be added after the death event, and before the is dead set?
I’m sorry, I’m trying to learn all this, I thought this would be a good beginner tutorial.
Thank you Victor, I was using the wrong spawn emitter, I was using one that was attached instead of at location. The death sequence works flawless now, it’s always the smallest of errors that are staring me in the face that I miss. If you have any starter tutorials that you recommend I would appreciate it.
Thank you for pointing me in the right direction.