UE4.10 can't create BP actor class variable

I’ve upgraded to 4.10 (Witch is awesome so far) but i can’t create an actor class variable in blueprints anymore. the class option isn’t there anymore and i neeed it for a referance to an object and I cant set the default value of a normal actor variable but i could with a class.
Anyone know how this could be done without a class??
Thanks for your time


Are you referring to an Actor Class variable such as the one pictured below? If so, I was able to get the option in my version of 4.10 without issue. It was listed under the Actor category. Is your editor not providing you with this option?

As far as setting the default value goes, this is not allowed. What you can do if you’d like to set the value of the variable without using a Set node in blueprints is set the variable to Expose on Spawn, place an instance of that blueprint into your level, and then set the variable in the details panel when you have that blueprint selected in your level.

Thanks i see that. I probably should have played around before posting here