UE with 2019 MacPro

Hello, everyone.

I’m brand new to Unreal Engine and have a MacPro (2019) desktop with a AMD Radeon Pro W5700X 16 GB graphics card. 96 GB of RAM. 3.2 GHz 16-Core Intel Xeon W Processor.

My fans run pretty fast and loud after about 10 minutes of using UE. I’m wondering if there’s a MacPro (2019) compatible graphics card or other bits that I can install to be able to handle the application.

Not looking to spark a Mac/PC debate here. I’m just a newbie looking for solutions.


I ran the engine on a high spec laptop for a while, and blew it up, literally :slight_smile:

I think the problem with Mac ( hey, not saying anything… ), is you don’t have much control over the GPU.

But: I think you can (?) use an external GPU? Might be worth looking at.

Ooooh, great idea. Thanks so much! I’ll start looking into external GPUs.