UE ML Default deformer graph material

After training and testing the UE ML deformer for my sequences, I am applying the deformer graph and deformer asset in an in game animation, but the material is transparent…
Does anyone know why the default deformer graph material and how to change it there is not reference in the asset editor for the deformer graph for UE Ml deformer…

Hi :slight_smile:

This sounds very weird indeed. Can I ask you what MLD model and which version of UE you are using?

And what deformer graph do you use on your in game character skeletal mesh? Or do you see it transparent in the MLD asset editor?

Hello John,
good hear from you.
I literally just fixed this issue yesterday.
It was actually a skin cache issue, the options in the project settings for “skin vertex cache” needed to be selected and the issue was resolved.
Thank you,

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