UE maya scale question


I am following a tutorial : Large game environment creation.
At one point the tutor sets character in maya in regular scale (around 2m height)
and exports it to UE.
Then in UE scale is to small so he is scaling it to 100 and as that didnt work he imported a character from UE to see if it fits regular Ue dimensions.
As that didnt work he continued to scale the character approximately until the character fits the regular Ue character .
HOwever in my scene in Ue everything worked…
I wanted to cry honestly as a beginner ,as I.m not sure how to do a proper scale and why in his scene it didnt work and in my it works and we set exactly the same units and dimensions …
I know maya has cm units and Ue has meters, but is there a way to set units in maya and not change it afterwards in Ue? and be sure that everything will fit correctly

Thank you!

This would be a Maya question not an unreal question, however unreal has some things that could help but ultimately its still an extra step when you import there’s options to set the transform just add a 0 to the scale parameter or if you’d rather change the object the same way every single time you place it

often when i do something in blender i forget to change my EULER and it imports sideways… sometimes i go back and fix it in blender other times its a minor issue and i just flip it around by changing the rotation part of the transform

Can’t say im familiar with Maya in the slightest but Ya Metric system sounds like the problem?

So 2M dude would be →

so if its too small you’d do the other way

not tryin to say you don’t get the metric system but CM and M are both part of the Metric system
Maya uses metric system according to Google and Unreal uses Metric according to me and google

But point being when tutorial guy made it are you 100% sure he didn’t just type in the wrong units ( CM M etc )

Imperial would be in feet and inches etc ( americans )
Willing to help more if ya need it but this should be enough to at least help you know how to ask google about changing units in maya ( spoilers its metric already )