UE Marketplace WISHLIST LIMITED AT 50. WHY? This is surely losing sales for Marketplace vendors

The marketplace limits your wishlist to 50 items. I imagine that many of our projects need more than 50 items.

For instance, I worked on a cyberpunk project and a feudal japan project at the same time, so while I was deciding what assets to purchase, I was limited to recalling approx 25 assets per project in my wishlist.

This limitation - which honestly does negatively impact my use of the marketplace - seems so arbitrary and unneccesary to me. But I’m not a web or marketplace developer. Can anyone tell me why this limitation exists? I don’t believe I have such a limited wishlist amount on any other online marketplace.

My other options (to overcome this Unreal Marketplaces limitation) include:

  • bookmarking the assets in my web browser
  • keeping a text document of links
  • keeping the assets beyond the marketplace’s wishlist limitations in the marketplace cart, and risk accidentally buying things

Here’s why those other solutions are so lacking and frustrating

Using browser bookmarks or text list, it’s extra steps. It’s not as convenient. And sometimes I’m 50/50 on assets that would be 100% purchases if they went on sale - but my external lists of URL’s will not let me know whether those items are on sale.

The fact is there are 100’s of items on the Marketplace I either don’t really need or I don’t need them yet, but I’d purchase them for tinkering or learning if they were on sale. And the only reason I won’t end up buying them is because I don’t have a convenient way to monitor those sales due to the wishlist limitations.

Other items I would have bought at full price at a later time for projects, but I forgot about them when the time came because they I couldn’t add them to my wishlist when I first saw them and they slipped past during more recent Market browsings.

If I keep all my excess wishlist assets in my cart, I can see thumbnails quickly and I can also monitor them for sales. However, now I can’t buy any groups of assets, because it would check out my entire cart which I’m using as a wishlist - I have to use the “buy now” option for each individual asset I want to purchase.

I’m very grateful for the fact that UE is free, and we get free assets each month. Because I keep wishlist items in my cart, I have to snag those 5 free monthly items one at a time, and now there there is a picture-selection security measure when doing so - which funny enough is slightly broken this week. Some of the images must be mislabeled on the backend, because although the cue was very clear, and the images were very easy to identify, it took up to five attempts to pass this security check PER EACH free asset.

All because I don’t have a better option than keeping my wishlist assets (beyond 50 items) in my cart.

As someone who purchases too many things from the marketplace to count (usually several purchases per week, if not a buying spree for a project) - this 50-item-wishlist-limitation negatively effects me everytime I use the Marketplace.

Epic just acquired Sketchfab, which doesn’t seem to have a limit to “wishlisting” items, and they actually let you create your own separate categories for cataloguing items, like if you’re working on different projects. I’m not even asking for that level of usability. Just please expand the wishlist limitation as much as you can. Even 60 items would be better. 200 items would at least remove the frustration and result in many more purchases for me personally.


Now it is limited to 200 which is still not enough.
I’m already on the limit.
Why is it even limited? They cannot do pages there if it will be too much.

I agree, the unreal limit is very cumbersome.
The unity marketplace doesn’t have a limit. In face they allow you to save them in editable Wishlist folders. Ive been forced to save the Wishlist above 200 items into my note app, which is far inferior to just being able to save them natively.
It would be fantastic if unreal could add this feature.

I don’t understand why there is a limit, it makes it very difficult to organize the assets needed for current and future projects.