UE Marketplace free assets for Fab?

I have been collecting assets that are free monthly. Will this still be implemented when Fab opens, a free set of items every month?

Hi @MojoNoah. Fab’s Sponsored Content program will pick up where UE Marketplace’s Sponsored Content Program leaves off. Stay tuned for more details.

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Hi Abby -

Sorry to bother again but quick question; wondering if Epic has any thoughts on whether “Personal” was maybe not an appropriate name for the basic license tier?

Almost everybody has interpreted this to mean “personal use only.” The title certainly implies that. Another person in the other thread just made this assumption again, it’s probably the 15th time I’ve seen this - and the confusion is warranted, this is usually what “personal” licensing means - but the personal tier here is obviously an indie tier

Hi @Krabworks - I’ve passed on the feedback and at this time we don’t plan to change the name of the pricing tier. We’ll let you know if that changes, though!

ok - thank you!