When using UE_LOG to log an information on output log, there is a way to write the log only once, even if the UE_LOG is inside a TICK() function, without having do any kind of execution flow control with a if statement?
I stumbled upon UE_CLOG(Condition, CategoryName, Verbosity, Format, ...)
which might fit the bill. It’s conditional logging though, so you are still going to need a check of some sort.
What I do for loops when debugging is this:
GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(1, 1.0f, FColor::Green, FString::Printf(TEXT("Triggered")));
I’m not sure if you already knew, but the first parameter, if a positive number, sets the row for this message to appear in, so it will overwrite the message of the previous frame and not fill up the screen with log messages.
UE_LOG_ONLINE_ONCE does what you want.
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