UE freezes when trying to setup RVT

Hey there!

I have just updated to UE 5.1 last week and already have an issue.

Everything is working quite nicely except that whenever I try to setup an RVT volume the engine freezes.
I wish I could just ignore it but since RVT is kind of important, its hard to do so.
I have no idea what the problem is since I have updated my windows, graphics card driver and UE. The only hint I have is that it always crashes when I try to search for the virtual texture in the deatils panel of the volume.

I will post my Specs later if needed since im not at my pc at the moment.

Also, I couldnt find a support/help category which is why I posted it here.

Thank you!

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Having this same issue, only way ive found to bypass it is to find the volume in the content folder and assign it by pressing that arrow on the rvt volume property panel (use selected assets from content browser) instead of using the dropdown list

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you are right, when applying it through the content browser it actually works.

The weird thing is that it also freezes if i search for it in the browser.
Its also only happening with the textures that are applied and only if you are in that level.
However, if you open the folder that contains these textures, everything works perfectly.
Weird but I can deal with that.

Thank you for the tip!

Hi, I have the same problem, every time I click a RVT thing in the Asset browser or in a material, the editor freezes and I have to close it from Taskmanager…

Looks like its even worse in UE 5.1.1, can’t use RVT at all now.

Using a 5700XT

same issue here, freeze happens when opening content browser where RVT is located

Same issues here: Unreal Engine Freeze/Not Responding when working with RVT - #2 by tigerija1
Can you check and reproduce.
It seems like it happens to me only if I have viewport runtime on.

UE5.2. I was having the same issue. RX6900XT with a 5k map using world partition.
As this was very annoying, I progressed slowly trying to get one setting at a time and saving until I got a Hang.

  1. Created RVT_Material and RVT_Height
  2. Added RVTV_Height and RVTV_Height to world.
  3. Added Virtual Textures to Landscape “Draw in Virtual Textures”
  4. Set the Bounds Align Actor to Landscape in each of the Height and Material RVTV’s
  5. Set the Virtual Texture RVT_Material to the Material Volume.
  6. Used Set Bounds on the Material Volume.
  7. Copied and pased this to the Height Volume.
    One more step…
    At this point any attempt to set the RVT_Height to the Height volume would result in the editor to hang.

Using the method describe above, to select the RVT in content browser worked, but if the content browser was already set to the folder with the RVT’s had with the RVT Volume already selected in the outliner then the editor would hang . If I have the landscape selected in the outliner, then go to the content browser (still filtered to the RVT’s) and select the RVT, then select the volume in the outliner and then use the arrow to apply the RVT, it worked.

Hopefully, this can be fixed.
Now to proceed to see if there are any other issues, but at least they are set.

So advancing to create and setup the Texture sample in my landscape material the same issue presents itself when trying to assign the RVT to the Runtime Virtural Texture Sample Node. Trying to get this set but not successful yet… :frowning:

Using the pop up content browser, ie not pinned, selecting the RVT_Material, then in my landscape material adding the Runtime Virtual Texture Sample node I was able to use the arrow to assign the RVT. However, if the Node was already on the graph and then go to the content browser editor would hang.

THIS IS NOT READY FOR USE. I am sorry, but while I managed to get the properties set, and the material to populate the RVT the resolution is no good. I tried to redo it with a revised number and size of tiles (1024 x 1024) for number and size of tiles, then deleted and reset everything and same result. Also, in several instances just clicking on the the RVT in the content browser will cause the editor to hang. Done wasting time on this.