So I am new to UE and I am just getting started. I am using a mac (I know, I know) and I am hoping to begin coding a c++ game. Due to the limited space on my device, I downloaded the 4.26 UE onto my external SSD which was named “Ty’s External Drive”. When compiling a project I got the Compile Failed error:
Running Mono…
Found mono via known Mono.framework
path Running system mono/msbuild,
version: Mono JIT compiler version (2020-02/620cf538206 Tue Aug 25 14:04:52 EDT 2020) /Volumes/Ty’s
External Drive/Epic
Games/UE_4.26/Engine /Volumes/Ty’s
External Drive/Epic
Creating makefile for MyProjectEditor
(no existing makefile) @progress push
5% Parsing headers for MyProjectEditor
Running UnrealHeaderTool
“/Volumes/Ty’s External
“/Volumes/Ty’s External
-LogCmds=“loginit warning, logexit warning, logdatabase error”
-Unattended -WarningsAsErrors -abslog=“/Users/tylerclark/Library/Application
-installed Reflection code generated for MyProjectEditor in 4.2448489
seconds @progress pop Building
MyProjectEditor… Performing 13
actions (12 in parallel) [1/13]
SharedPCH.Engine.ShadowErrors.h [2/13]
Compile MyProjectProjectile.gen.cpp
[3/13] Compile MyProjectCharacter.cpp
[4/13] Compile MyProjectProjectile.cpp
[5/13] Compile MyProject.init.gen.cpp
[6/13] Compile
MyProjectGameMode.gen.cpp [7/13]
Compile MyProjectCharacter.gen.cpp
[8/13] Compile MyProject.cpp [9/13]
Compile MyProjectGameMode.cpp [10/13]
Compile MyProjectHUD.cpp [11/13]
Compile MyProjectHUD.gen.cpp [12/13]
Link UE4Editor-MyProject.dylib
External: -c: line 0: unexpected EOF
while looking for matching `"’
External: -c: line 1: syntax error:
unexpected end of file
So after some research I found that the single quote in my SSD could be causing the error. I changed the name of the drive, but I still get the error:
Running Mono…
Found mono via known Mono.framework
path Running system mono/msbuild,
version: Mono JIT compiler version (2020-02/620cf538206 Tue Aug 25 14:04:52 EDT 2020) /Volumes/Ty’s
External Drive/Epic
Games/UE_4.26/Engine /Volumes/Ty’s
External Drive/Epic
Creating makefile for MyProjectEditor
(no existing makefile) @progress push
5% Parsing headers for MyProjectEditor
Running UnrealHeaderTool “/Volumes/Tys
“/Volumes/Tys External
-LogCmds=“loginit warning, logexit warning, logdatabase error”
-Unattended -WarningsAsErrors -abslog=“/Users/tylerclark/Library/Application
-installed Reflection code generated for MyProjectEditor in 4.2448489
seconds @progress pop Building
MyProjectEditor… Performing 13
actions (12 in parallel) [1/13]
SharedPCH.Engine.ShadowErrors.h [2/13]
Compile MyProjectProjectile.gen.cpp
[3/13] Compile MyProjectCharacter.cpp
[4/13] Compile MyProjectProjectile.cpp
[5/13] Compile MyProject.init.gen.cpp
[6/13] Compile
MyProjectGameMode.gen.cpp [7/13]
Compile MyProjectCharacter.gen.cpp
[8/13] Compile MyProject.cpp [9/13]
Compile MyProjectGameMode.cpp [10/13]
Compile MyProjectHUD.cpp [11/13]
Compile MyProjectHUD.gen.cpp [12/13]
Link UE4Editor-MyProject.dylib
External: -c: line 0: unexpected EOF
while looking for matching `"’
External: -c: line 1: syntax error:
unexpected end of file
Is the path of the engine an option to change somewhere? I couldn’t find a place to change it and at least to me it seems that this is the cause of the problem. I have tried reinstalling the engine and also the epic games launcher but still the same error. I would deeply appreciate any help.