UE Editor UI right-click bug in blueprint graph

For Some reason it only happens when the break point is enabled, if I disable it and run the game, it will scroll fine. Guess I can sorta work with that.

Sometimes you can restore right-click functionality by hitting play again and then escaping out. Give that a go. Until Epic decide to investigate we’re all just going to have to put up with it.

There are 5 more engineers in our team who experienced this issue.

You can workaround this issue

  1. Close all Blueprint Editor when it happened.
  2. Reopen Blueprint Editor
  3. now you can use right click drag

by the way it is really annoying to do this hundreds times everyday.

Would it be correct to guess that your game has some kind of mouse cursor support in it?

I get the same issue in 4.19.

it seems if i set a break point then PIE, hit the break point and then hit escape, my editor scrolling will be bugged, if i then remove the break point, run PIE and then escape, scrolling returns to normal.

same issue 4.19

Hello, teammates. I get this bug first time on 4.19, and it keeps repeating over and over again. I’ve also started a new project on android so it can be related to touch control. And my thread pause on any None, some checkbox in editor settings. So with all of this, I encounter the bug almost every time when I playing in the viewport and some part of code pausing game because of none (or breakpoint), after resuming I cannot longer move in an editor with the right mouse button.

The temporal solution for me is to start another simulating in new PIE window and after closing it engine sometimes restores full mouse control in an editor. So next time try to start your projects in different instances and windows and see if it will heal your control and try to look if this bug related to touch control, touch mouse simulating or breakpoints

That wouldn’t help for it isn’t something that is stored in project files - I was debugging in Blueprint, encountered the issue, found this thread, closed the project, reopened it and the issue was gone.

EDIT: I also remember this happening in an earlier project but back then I thought it might be a functionality accidentally activated.

Did someone come up with a reasonable workaround for this? I’m having this issue on 4.15 it’s driving me absolutely bonkers :frowning:

But a temporary “fix” that eases the annoyance for me is to launch “New Window (PIE)” and then shut it by hitting the Stop button on the bar when the issue crops up. This will save you from those horrid restarts (I mean actually clicking the GUI button and NOT stopping by pressing Esc). Lemme know if it works for y’all.

Im also having this bug sometimes in 4.19, in fact it never happened in other versions (but havent checked in 4.20). For me it just happens in PIE, never in simulation, and as the friend above said, sometimes starting a simulation/restarting the engine fix the problem. I also noted that in my case putting the breakpoint after starting the game doesnt trigger the bug, althoug it still happens again in the next play.

Im also having this bug sometimes in 4.19, in fact it never happened in other versions (but havent checked in 4.20). I also noted that in my case putting the breakpoint during runtime doesnt trigger the bug, althoug it still happens again if you restart the game.

Happens to me all the time: 4.18, 4.19, 4.20.2. Today I just opened the project and it started happening. So frustrating… :S Sometimes it’ll go away if I start/stop the game in PIE.

I am having this bug in 4.20 in PIE and blueprints on Windows 10

Cant rotate camera in PIE only use keyboard … really sucks

Cant move around in blueprints … really sucks

This is still a issue in 4.21, Devs at epic must have run into this themselves ,. Its a really Common issue,

I am faced with a similar problem. The bug appears when you exit the pie by clicking on the cross of the window. If you exit the stop or esc button, the bug does not appear.

In my case, the bug causes the option Progect Settings → input → Use Mouse For Touch. I turned it off and I do not observe glitches with the right mouse button.

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I know this is very old, but the bug is still here in 4.22, when blueprint hits a breakpoint, you can’t move the BP windows with right click anymore
I’ve only now found the 100% repro steps thanks to the answer above, it was all because of Use Mouse for Touch

Bug reported with repro steps as Issue # 00099977

same issue on 4.25 and also 4.26 … sometimes my main monitor get fully black. If I move editor to other monitor, it works but when I bring it back to my main monitor, same issue again. I have to Close and Open UE to fix issue, but it may happen again … . any solution ?

Unfortunately, same issue on 4.25 and also 4.26 … sometimes not only right click has issue but my main monitor get fully black. If I move editor to other monitor, it works but when I bring it back to my main monitor, same right click issue again. I have to Close and Open UE to fix issue, but it may happen again after random time … . any solution ? …

The same error here, I’m using two displays, the notebook display, an external display, this error has an external display but doesn’t in a notebook, which is a very strange bug.

I am also encountering this error. Has anyone found any fix? I am using 4.26.