my projects that use Niagara crashes when trying to open maps, after update to ue 5.1.1
Before the update I have also change my graphic card from an RTX A5000 to an Asus NVIDIA 4090 Rog Strix, and update the graphic drivers (Studio version 536.99).
Can someone help to find a soultion?
Thank you
Hello Giancarlo,
When you crash, does a crashlog appear? If yes, please share it.
Niagara is a plugin, so one troubleshooting step would be to disable the Niagara plugin and see if your maps open. (Also this way you could copy/paste aspects of the map to a new map if needed)
Thank you very much for your reply,
I attach the crashlog, and later when I come back I will disable the niagara plugin and try to see if my map open again.
Tropicalislands_Motorbike.log (195.6 KB)
I did a google search for where it is crashing:
[2023.09.25-16.06.24:899][149]LogWindows: Error: appError called: Assertion failed: !bIsForCompilationOnly [File:D:\build++UE5\Sync\Engine\Plugins\FX\Niagara\Source\NiagaraEditor\Private\NiagaraGraph.cpp] [Line: 3886]
It looks like there are others experiencing this too. ( and one potential solution )
Another troubleshooting idea would be to make a copy of your project and try opening it in 5.3 to see if this bug has been fixed.
Thanks a lot for your help,
I have try to open the map using the 5.2 version with no result, now I will try to open it using both 5.3 and 5.0 (but I will need to install both versions).
To rebuild the niagara systems from scratch could be very hard cause its a complex scene and I am not a nigara expert (was already a miracle that the result was so beautiful).
Anyway I will find a solution in some way cause its 2 years I am working on this project
and I absolutely have to finish it
Have a good day
Hi Astrotronic,
a short message to say that I have partially solved the problem simply by downgrading the project to vers 5.0.3 (right click on the ue project file “switch unreal engien version…”) and the maps now are opening again. Now I will try to install the 5.3 version to see if the bug has benn fixed. If not I will finish the project using the 5.03 version.
Hope that can be usefull for those who have the same problem.
Thank you and have a good day.
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