UE Animation Export

I’ve tried searching the internet to no avail. It seems all I can find are posts that don’t really have anything in common with my issue or they are about exporting from another program into UE. Basically, I have a fox model asset with multiple different animations attached to it. I need the animations exported for use in Adobe After Effects. Unfortunately, while I am easily able to export the animations from UE, it only exports them as FBX files. This is where my problem comes in because AE will only allow you to import OBJ based animation files.

Any clue on how I can accomplish something like this? When you do provide help, please keep in mind that I literally downloaded UE for the first time today so I am a fresh noob when it comes to this program. Any help will be very much appreciated.

Never mind, I figured it out myself. In case someone else happens to be looking for the answer and can’t find it, this is what I had to do.

Since .OBJ files are not capable of storing animations, I created the animation I needed in UE and exported it as a .FBX file. I then imported that file into Blender where I ensured the timeline start and end was correct and then exported it as a .OBJ file, making sure the animations checkbox was checked. This created a .OBJ file for each and every frame in my animation. Then, in AE, I just imported all of the .OBJ files and made sure to select ‘OBJ Files for RG Trapcode Sequence’.