UE adds numbers to the actors names


I have an actor BP in my scene, that has several other actor BP inside of it… But in the world outliner, they appear with these numbers in front of their names… I can’t change their names either.

Inside the main BP, all the names are correct, without the numbers.

How do I fix this?

You can’t :wink:

The editor needs to be able to make ‘name variations’ because they can’t all be called the same thing.

So if you drag MyMesh in 15 times, they don’t all get the same name.


Ok, but they’re all different blueprints, with different names.

(forgot to put image earlier)


But have you placed them many times, or are you instancing them or something?..

At any rate, it’s not something to worry about :smiley:

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They are Instances of a Blueprint called “P_Planet”

I’m gonna use it with their names and numbers, as they are then.

Thanks again!

Best not to use those names, in a blueprint etc. Because every time you change the actor, you’ll get a different name. Also, they might not be the same after packaging.

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Oh! Ok, got it!

I will keep that in mind. For now I’m not gonna work with them, so it’s ok. But when it comes the time, I’ll create either new BP, or set a nametag system of sorts inside it.


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