Not really a question, just more of a workaround I discovered that can help others experiencing issues with UE-92953. It’s inconvenient, but better than nothing.
So essentially this bug makes it extremely tedious to set the default values of elements in an array or set, as each time you add a new element the entire panel where you set the values collapses. This only applies to a map where the values (meaning opposite of keys) are structs with a set or array inside the struct, and you’re trying to set the elements inside of the struct’s array or set.
Here’s a workaround until this gets fixed:
- Create a new Struct in the content browser
- Call it whatever, it doesn’t matter. “DeleteMeTemporary” might be good.
- Open the struct
- Inside of the struct, add the same map type you’re trying to set default values for (ie: map of strings->some struct with array in it)
- Set the default values inside of the struct interface (without it collapsing! Yay!)
- In the Default Values section, right click the name of the map->copy
- Go into the blueprint with the map->struct variable you’d like to set the default values for.
- Select the map->struct variable
- In the Details panel, under Default Value, right click the map name and click paste.
- Delete the Struct you made in step 1.
Hope this helps someone