UE-83279 Play rate value under 1.0 seems ignored when with Render movie to video feature

Play rate value under 1.0 seems ignored when with Render movie to video feature

Fix Commit 10800504
Release Commit 10800504

broken link, no fix available on GitHub

In AutomatedLevelSequenceCapture.cpp find this section of code:

// Prevent the same frame from being rendered twice
if (CurrentTime.FrameNumber.Value != CachedMetrics.PreviousFrame)
	CaptureThisFrame((CurrentTime - PreviousTime) / Settings.GetFrameRate());
	CachedMetrics.PreviousFrame = CurrentTime.FrameNumber.Value;

And replace it with this code:

CaptureThisFrame((CurrentTime - PreviousTime) / Settings.GetFrameRate());
CachedMetrics.PreviousFrame = CurrentTime.FrameNumber.Value;

(Removing the if condition is all that is required)

The github commit can be found: