UE-60969 NOT "FIXED"

Title says it all. The tracker says it was fixed but it’s definitely not.

That’s for one plugin. It’s also not finding the header to my ThirdParty DLL plugin which is in the plugin source root. The two problems seem related.

same here…


I’ve updated the public notes to explain the “fix” for UE-60969 that was mentioned in the comments on the report (which are not public). For the other issue, please report the issue using the new Bug Submission Form. Feel free to continue to use this thread for community discussion around the issue.



The bug is specifically made about Editor plugins, such as ““Type”: “Editor”,” in the .uplugin file, but the part about the default path seems to be for all plugins.

Hi! I’m a little confused. It says “engine module”. Does that mean engine plugins or does it also include external plugins? Because my issue is with a plugin that is in the GameSource/Plugins path, not in the Engine path. Thanks for the help!

ue4.20.2, the bug still exist.

I put the ThirdParty DLL plugin under my plugin’s source folder, meet the same problem.