UE-54346 - possible fix information

Looks like the bug is in HUD.cpp

			// don't draw text behind the camera
			if ( ((WorldTextLoc - CameraLoc) | CameraRot.Vector()) > 0.f )
				FVector ScreenLoc = Canvas->Project(WorldTextLoc);
				TextItem.SetColor( DebugTextList[Idx].TextColor );
				TextItem.Text = FText::FromString( DebugTextList[Idx].DebugText );
				TextItem.Scale = FVector2D( DebugTextList[Idx].FontScale, DebugTextList[Idx].FontScale);
				DebugCanvas->DrawItem( TextItem, FVector2D( FMath::CeilToFloat(ScreenLoc.X), FMath::CeilToFloat(ScreenLoc.Y) ) );

The Project() call uses Canvas, but the DrawItem uses DebugCanvas.  Presumably they should both use DebugCanvas.

I would have tagged but “The following topics are not present in the system, and you must have at least 200 reputation to create new ones: UE-54346”