UE 5.x crashes when trying to open a new level

Hi guys,
I just can’t solve the problem of opening a specific map causing the editor to crash after a 5/6 seconds.
I always get the same error:

AActor::ForEachAttachedActors(TFunctionRef<bool (AActor)>) const Address = 0x1175684f0 (filename not found) [in UnrealEditor-Engine.dylib]
UE::Core::Private::Function::TFunctionRefCaller<FActorHierarchy::CreateChildren(TSharedPtr<ISceneOutlinerTreeItem, (ESPMode)1> const&, TArray<TSharedPtr<ISceneOutlinerTreeItem, (ESPMode)1>>, TSizedDefaultAllocator<32>>&) const: :$_43, bool (AActor)>::Call(void, AActor&) Address = 0x10e7938e4 (filename not found) [in UnrealEditor-SceneOutliner. dylib]
UE::Core::Private::Function::TFunctionRefCaller<TFunction<bool (AActor)>, bool (AActor)>::Call(void, AActor&) Address = 0x10e793754 (filename not found) [in UnrealEditor-SceneOutliner.dylib]

My BP, saves the player info, the location in the new map, the level name in Gamesave and then opens the level.

But for some reason, the crash happens
if I create an empty map as test, it opens correctly.