UE 5 will still support lighting scenarios?

Will UE5 support Precomputed Lighting Scenarios, when using World Partition and Data Layers? Was a very useful feature in ue4 especially for scale lighting.

Also currently don’t know how to enable levels editor to do lighting scenarios, when I open the window, it said “This feature is disabled when World Partition is enabled” and I can’t find the option to turn off the world partition option in the project setting.

Any insight would appreacited!



Same issue, no idea how to disable World Partition any further than I have, disabled in both World Settings and Project Settings

I am also interested in using lighting scenarios, but in the World Partition system.

Can we use different layers containing static lighting elements and build them separately alongside other layers?

For example:
A: Data layer with my world elements.
B: Data layer with static day lighting.
C: Data layer with static night lighting.

I would build lightmass with A+B and A+C separately. Then on the packaged build, I could switch from B to C and get shadows updated.

Or it works with dynamic lighting only?

any news on this?