UE 5 | Use Lyra Locomotion on Third person template

Hi, recently I dived a bit into the Lyra project, and their locomotion system caught my eye. Instead of just replacing the character and stay in the Lyra project, like what most people seem to do, I’d like to get only that locomotion system, and use it on a third person template.

I know they’re using a thread safe function inside the Animation blueprint to drive the logic, and so far I managed to get my Third Person BP being in idle in the BP editor (using the Lyra ABP), but when I hit play, it goes A-pose.

Here is what I’ve got :

  • in the Third Person Character BP, I’ve set the SK mesh on the Manny Invisible (from Lyra project), and set the ABP_Mannequin_Base as the anim class
  • I added a second skeletal mesh with the SKM_Manny_simple
  • In the construction script, I added this :

    Without both this nodes, I wont get the Idle in the viewport, the first one I copied from the Hero shooter Bp from the Lyra project, then I set the master pose so my visible mannequin copies the invisible controller.

A this point, in the viewport the mannequin is performing the idle animation :

And then I hit play, and it goes A-pose

If you have any clue on what I might be missing, it would be appreciated ^^

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Same issue here, mannequin plays the iddle but when moving it siwtch to tpose :frowning:

Hi all,

I don’t have any experience exporting Lyra locomotion, but my first thought is that maybe there is an extra animation plugin enabled in Lyra.

I opened Lyra’s .uproject with a text editor and noticed that ‘AnimationLocomotionLibrary’ plugin was enabled.

Do you see any difference after enabling this plugin in your new project?


Could be a couple of issues, I have made a walk though of how to migrate Lyra to a clean project, removing the C++ dependencies which covers all the issues I encountered, hope it helps, only really need the first 20 minutes, the rest is just populating the empty anim references. :slight_smile: