UE 5 unable to remember C++ files and Blueprint objects

I have Unreal Engine 5.3.2 installed and I’m getting a really weird error where if I create a C++ class file, run the Development Build Process in Visual Studio Code, then create a Blueprint class from that C++ class, and put it in a level and save; if I close and reopen the editor the C++ class will be gone and Blueprint class will say it has a null parent. The only way I’ve gotten the C++ class to reappear is by hitting the Live Coding button, and then the C++ classes will re-appear but the blueprint class will still be broken and needs to be remade before it can be dragged into the level again.

I’ve tried all manner of solutions - deleting the Intermediate folder, generating the visual studio project files, refreshing the visual studio project from within the editor, making changes to a .h file and rebuilding before closing the editor, etc. I’m a bit at a loss for how to fix this.

I started noticing there was a problem when one of the project I was working on seemingly didn’t have any blueprint scripts attached to blueprint objects I had in the level, and when I recompiled with live coding the blueprints would re-appear on the objects but none of the values I had set previously were there.

I’m at a bit of a loss as to what is happening and how to fix it.

I always run my projects from their solution file in visual studio and either launch it with debug attached or detached (from within VS).

When I started out coding in UE I noticed I would lose the parent if I just run my uproject not through my IDE.

Haven’t had a missing parent class for years.

So, I ended up coming across a solution that worked for me:

Editor Preferences → Search Compilation at Startup → Set to True

I haven’t tried running a project from a solution file yet, I’ll have to give that a go. Assuming that all works in VS Code as well, or is that just Visual Studio?

I’ve never run unreal from vscode so I can’t confirm, but I’ve seen on forums that it should scan for sln files upon opening the folder with your project.