UE 5: Roughness map doesnt look correct

Hey i textured this asset in substance and in substance the anistrophy has a good numper of rings in it but in UE the rings dont look anything like they did in substance, does anyone know what would be causing this?

Substance preview:

Substance roughenss channel:

UE 5:

Have you tried just multiplying the roughness by something like .8 ( or maybe less )?

You can see from this area, that it’s generally not as rough


that doesnt fix the issue, that just makes the entire mesh “wetter”. The issue is that there arent as many visible antistrophic rings. ive included some closer screenshot comparison of substance vs UE. I know there will be differences between substance and UE, but this difference is pretty substantial.

Sorry, typed rubbish, I mean make it rougher, so * 1.25

that seems to have helped it out some, thanks!

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