UE 5 Crashing when I opening Blueprint class

Fatal error: [File:D:\build++UE5\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\Core\Private\GenericPlatform\GenericPlatformMemory.cpp] [Line: 221] Ran out of memory allocating 69793218560 bytes with alignment 16. Last error msg: The paging file is too small for this operation to complete…

Does anyone know how to fix that error?

Yes, absolutely. Your computer may have to little available memory for the engine to complete your task. Try closing down all applications you have including your web browser and see if it is able to complete your task.

How much RAM does your PC have?

Looking closer at the task, something is wildly off. It is trying to allocate 65 GB of data…

Same error here, why is this occuring ? UE 5.1, large terrain map, very detailed sculpting, no ray tracing atall yet. Rx 6600 8gb.

I created new windows 11, 36 gb page file on fastest nvmE drive yesterday thinking page file crashes would go away…haha

all I did was load project, load level, which admittedly is large, but not huge, and click on partition manager tab (pinned to ui_) and crash boom

16 gb of ram, nothing else was running but ue 5.1.