UE 5.5 Steam Shared plugin cannot be found, what to do?

Plugin “steam shared” is missing. I get this error once I launch on windows, it is as if Unreal engine cannot find the plugin:

Plugin ‘SteamShared’ failed to load because module ‘SteamShared’ could not be found. Please ensure the plugin is properly installed, otherwise consider disabling the plugin for this project.

In the engine tab under plugins in the editor I cannot actually find a Steam Shared folder, even though it is enabled. Is it possible to add it here somehow?

I can see that the plugin exists in the file explorer but UE5 seems to not find it

Greetings @Crusader_LaVader

Is this the same issue you’re running into? (If so, does their solution help?) Plugin 'Steam Shared' failed to load because

Yes it’s the same problem, the plugin already exists in my engines plugin folder and not in the project folder though.

I’ve also tried moving both the engine location and project location higher up in directories so that the file names wouldn’t be so long but it doesn’t seem to help (although I got a popup that it found a new plugin “steam shared” after having done so)

Oh, I see! None of the solutions provided there helped? (I noticed a few devs had a few different solutions)