UE 5.5 Broke Build progress for Consoles


we know that the stability of UE 5 with Console Integration is questionable. We moved from 5.4 to 5.5 with an existing project in the hope the console integration would be more stable but far from it.

We can for example build our game for PS5 once. The next time we try to build it, even with no changes applied, we get an Access Violation Error on build. This error does not trace any files or where this happens. It’s just an error. Even with verbose logging.

To fix this, we have to clear the project from all created folders like saved, build and so on. Then we need to make a full rebuild on the engine and then on the game. Once this is done, we can compile the game once before we need to repeat the step.

We can reproduce this on new empty projects and on existing released projects.
If we build a different platform and then return to PS5, there is a 50% chance we can again build the game.

It also happend several times that the build process failed in the first line before propperly starting.

Console integration is extremly wonky at best since 5.0 and gets worse with every release. Are there any intentions to fix problems at this point or should we just switch engines? There seams to be no support and even less effort to improve on anything…