UE 5.5.1 State Tree only showing Blueprint declared properties, not showing C++ declared properties

This is a new issue I am having since updating to 5.5 from 5.4.

In any state tree, when trying to bind a property from the Actor context to a condition, the drop down menu will only show properties from the APawn class and Properties that are defined in my Blueprint class. It does not show properties that are defined in my c++ class.

Asset Details in the State tree:

How I declare my CombatStateOverride enum (one of many properties that do not show up):


The CombatStateOverride enum does not appear in the list nor do any properties from my c++ class:

When I add an Enum to the Blueprint BP_SquadNew, it now shows up:

In 5.4 I was able to bind to all properties from c++ or from Blueprint. The binds that were created in 5.4 are still present and still function so I’m pretty sure this is just a bug in the state trees. Is any one else having this issue? Or am I doing something wrong?

Oh, I’m just stupid. The properties need to be public not protected. SOLVED