UE 5.5.1 Critical Build Error in Visual Studio: LNK2001/LNK1120 & Landscape Cyclic Dependencies


I’m encountering a serious issue when building my project in Unreal Engine 5.5.1 and I’m reaching out for your assistance. After spending many hours trying to find a solution, including deleting temporary files, the *.sln file, and rebuilding the project in Visual Studio, I’ve come to the conclusion that the problem is likely related to internal engine errors.

Problem Description:

When attempting to build my project, I consistently receive errors related to cyclic dependencies and a subsequent linker error, resulting in LNK2001 and LNK1120 errors. The issue appears when using the ULandscapeGrassType class.


  • Cyclic Dependencies: The UBT logs are filled with messages about cyclic dependencies related to the Landscape module, also affecting modules like Engine, UnrealEd, Renderer, Kismet, PropertyEditor, GraphEditor, AIModule, Sequencer, MaterialShaderQualitySettings, MainFrame, and others.
  • Linker Error: The linker fails to find the definitions of the PostLoad and PostEditChangeProperty functions within the ULandscapeGrassType class.
  • Missing Files: The build process ends with an error because necessary files, such as *.lib, *.dll, *.obj, *.res, *.pdb, *.sarif, and *.dep.json are not created.

What I’ve Already Tried:

  1. Unreal Engine Update: I updated to the latest stable version of the engine (5.5.1).
  2. Cleaned Files: I deleted the Binaries, Intermediate, and Saved folders, as well as the *.sln file.
  3. Dependency Check: I verified that the Landscape module is included in the PublicDependencyModuleNames of my project’s *.Build.cs file.
  4. Code Check: I verified that there are no errors in the code where ULandscapeGrassType is used.
  5. Engine Integrity Check: I verified that the engine files in the Engine folder are not corrupted.

Additional Information:

  • Full UBT Log: I am attaching the full UBT log to this post.
  • Engine Version: Unreal Engine 5.5.1
  • Not a Project Issue: It appears the problem lies within the engine’s build configuration itself, rather than in my project.
  • Persistent Issue: The error occurs consistently with every build.

My Questions:

  1. Has anyone encountered a similar issue in Unreal Engine 5.5.1 or other engine versions?
  2. Are there any known workarounds or recommendations for resolving this problem?
  3. Are there any other steps I could potentially take?

Thank you!

Log started at 01/14/2025 23:12:48 (2025-01-14T13:12:48Z)
No config file at C:\ProgramData\Unreal Engine\UnrealBuildTool\BuildConfiguration.xml
No config file at C:\Users\VS_VS\AppData\Local\Unreal Engine\UnrealBuildTool\BuildConfiguration.xml
No config file at C:\Users\VS_VS\Documents\Unreal Engine\UnrealBuildTool\BuildConfiguration.xml
Configuration will be read from:
C:\Users\VS_VS\AppData\Roaming\Unreal Engine\UnrealBuildTool\BuildConfiguration.xml
Setting temp directory to ‘C:\Users\VS_VS\AppData\Local\Temp\UnrealBuildTool\03a06482’
Registering build platform: UnrealBuildTool.AndroidPlatformFactory
Registering build platform: UnrealBuildTool.IOSPlatformFactory
Registering build platform: UnrealBuildTool.LinuxPlatformFactory
Registering build platform: UnrealBuildTool.MacPlatformFactory
Registering build platform: UnrealBuildTool.TVOSPlatformFactory
Registering build platform: UnrealBuildTool.WindowsPlatformFactory
Found Windows 10 SDK root at C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10 (1)
Found Windows 10 SDK root at C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10 (2)
Found Windows 10 SDK version 10.0.22621.0 at C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10
Found Universal CRT version 10.0.22621.0 at C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10
Found Windows 10 SDK version 10.0.26100.0 at C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10
Found Universal CRT version 10.0.26100.0 at C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10
Win64 Installed SDK(s): MinVersion_Sdk=10.0.19041.0, MaxVersion_Sdk=10.9.99999.0, CurrentVersion_Sdk=10.0.22621.0, Version_AutoSdk=10.0.22621.0, CurrentVersion_AutoSdk=
Registering build platform: Win64 - buildable: True
Registering build platform: UnrealBuildTool.VisionOSPlatformFactory
Command line: F:\UE5\UE_5.5\Engine\Binaries\DotNET\UnrealBuildTool\UnrealBuildTool.dll TessttEditor Win64 Development -Project=F:\Tesstt\Tesstt.uproject -WaitMutex -FromMsBuild -architecture=x64
Log file: C:\Users\VS_VS\AppData\Local\UnrealBuildTool\Log.txt
Deleting old log file: C:\Users\VS_VS\AppData\Local\UnrealBuildTool\Log-backup-2025.01.12-05.09.23.txt

Creating makefile for TessttEditor (no existing makefile)
Skipping F:\UE5\UE_5.5\Engine\Intermediate\Build\BuildRules\UE5Rules.dll: File is installed
Skipping F:\UE5\UE_5.5\Engine\Intermediate\Build\BuildRules\UE5ProgramRules.dll: File is installed
Found VisualStudio2022 installation: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community (Product=Microsoft.VisualStudio.Product.Community, Version=17.12.35527.113)
Found Visual Studio toolchain: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.38.33130 (Family=14.38.33130, FamilyRank=0, Version=14.38.33143, Is64Bit=True, ReleaseChannel=Latest, Architecture=x64, Error=False, Redist=C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\VC\Redist\MSVC\14.38.33130)
Found Visual Studio toolchain: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.42.34433 (Family=14.42.34433, FamilyRank=1, Version=14.42.34435, Is64Bit=True, ReleaseChannel=Latest, Architecture=x64, Error=False, Redist=C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\VC\Redist\MSVC\14.42.34433)
Building UnrealEditor - TessttEditor - Win64 - Development
Found circular reference to Engine.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on GameplayTags which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to PacketHandler.Build.cs, but PacketHandler declares a cycle on ReliabilityHandlerComponent which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Engine.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Engine.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Engine.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Engine.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Engine.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Engine.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Engine.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Engine.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Documentation.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Engine.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Engine.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Engine.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Engine.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to UnrealEd.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Engine.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Engine.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to UnrealEd.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Engine.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to UnrealEd.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to UnrealEd.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Engine.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to PropertyEditor.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to UnrealEd.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Engine.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to UnrealEd.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to EditorConfig.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Engine.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to AssetTools.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Engine.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Engine.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to UnrealEd.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Kismet.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Engine.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to UnrealEd.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Engine.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Engine.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Engine.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to KismetCompiler.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to UnrealEd.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to GraphEditor.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Kismet.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Engine.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to UnrealEd.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to BlueprintGraph.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Engine.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to UnrealEd.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Engine.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to UnrealEd.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to PropertyEditor.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to PropertyEditor.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to AssetTools.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Engine.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Engine.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to BlueprintGraph.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Engine.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Engine.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Renderer.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Engine.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Engine.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Engine.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Engine.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to UnrealEd.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to UnrealEd.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Engine.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to BlueprintGraph.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to UnrealEd.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to GraphEditor.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to PropertyEditor.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to EditorConfig.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Engine.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to AssetTools.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to SourceControlWindows.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to UnrealEd.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Engine.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to UnrealEd.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Engine.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to SourceControlWindows.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to UnrealEd.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to AssetTools.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to KismetCompiler.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Kismet.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Engine.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to UnrealEd.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Engine.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to UnrealEd.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Engine.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to MovieSceneTracks.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to UMG.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Engine.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Engine.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Engine.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to AudioMixer.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Engine.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to AudioMixer.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Engine.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Renderer.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Engine.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Renderer.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Engine.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to UnrealEd.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to PropertyEditor.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to UnrealEd.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Engine.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to SourceControlWindows.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Engine.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to UnrealEd.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Landscape.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to UnrealEd.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Engine.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to UnrealEd.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Engine.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to UnrealEd.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to EditorConfig.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to SourceControlWindows.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to PropertyEditor.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Engine.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Engine.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to UnrealEd.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to PropertyEditor.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Engine.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Engine.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Engine.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Renderer.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Landscape.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to UnrealEd.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Engine.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to UnrealEd.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to MainFrame.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to PropertyEditor.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Renderer.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to UnrealEd.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to MaterialShaderQualitySettings.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Engine.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to UnrealEd.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to PropertyEditor.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Renderer.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Engine.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to UnrealEd.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Engine.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to UnrealEd.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to PropertyEditor.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Engine.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to UnrealEd.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to AssetTools.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Engine.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Engine.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to UnrealEd.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to PropertyEditor.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to PropertyEditor.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to UnrealEd.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to GraphEditor.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Documentation.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to UnrealEd.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Engine.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to BlueprintGraph.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Engine.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to UnrealEd.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Engine.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to UnrealEd.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to AssetTools.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Engine.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to UnrealEd.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Kismet.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to BlueprintGraph.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Engine.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to UnrealEd.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to GraphEditor.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Engine.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to UnrealEd.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to UnrealEd.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Engine.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Engine.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to UnrealEd.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Engine.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to UnrealEd.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Engine.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to BlueprintGraph.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to UnrealEd.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to UnrealEd.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Engine.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Renderer.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Engine.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Renderer.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Kismet.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Documentation.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Engine.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to UnrealEd.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Engine.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to UnrealEd.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to MainFrame.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to PropertyEditor.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to AssetTools.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Engine.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to UnrealEd.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Landscape.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to PropertyEditor.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Engine.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to UnrealEd.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Engine.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Landscape.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to UnrealEd.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Kismet.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Engine.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Engine.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to UnrealEd.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Engine.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Engine.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to PropertyEditor.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to UnrealEd.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Engine.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Engine.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to GraphEditor.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to UnrealEd.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to UnrealEd.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to MovieSceneTools.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Engine.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to MovieSceneTools.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to PropertyEditor.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to UnrealEd.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to GraphEditor.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to PropertyEditor.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Engine.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to UnrealEd.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to PropertyEditor.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Engine.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Sequencer.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to UnrealEd.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Kismet.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to GraphEditor.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to PropertyEditor.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Engine.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to PropertyEditor.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to UnrealEd.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to GraphEditor.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to MainFrame.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Landscape.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Engine.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to UnrealEd.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to PropertyEditor.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Kismet.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to PropertyEditor.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Engine.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to GraphEditor.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to PropertyEditor.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Engine.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Engine.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to PropertyEditor.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Engine.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to UnrealEd.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Engine.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Engine.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to UnrealEd.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to UnrealEd.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Engine.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to AIModule.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Engine.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Engine.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Renderer.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to UnrealEd.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Engine.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to UnrealEd.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to PropertyEditor.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to PropertyEditor.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Engine.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to UnrealEd.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to PropertyEditor.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Engine.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to UnrealEd.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Persona.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Kismet.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Engine.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to UnrealEd.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to GraphEditor.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to PropertyEditor.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Engine.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to PropertyEditor.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to UnrealEd.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Engine.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to PropertyEditor.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to UnrealEd.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Engine.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Landscape.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Engine.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to UnrealEd.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to AssetTools.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Engine.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to EditorConfig.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to PropertyEditor.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Renderer.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to UnrealEd.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to GraphEditor.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Engine.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to AssetTools.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to EditorConfig.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to UnrealEd.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to GraphEditor.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Kismet.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to PropertyEditor.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to PropertyEditor.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to UnrealEd.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Engine.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to UnrealEd.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to GraphEditor.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Kismet.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to PropertyEditor.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Engine.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Engine.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Engine.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to PropertyEditor.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Kismet.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to PropertyEditor.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to UnrealEd.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to UnrealEd.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Engine.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to UnrealEd.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to PropertyEditor.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Engine.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to UnrealEd.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Landscape.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Engine.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Engine.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to UnrealEd.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to UnrealEd.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Engine.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to PropertyEditor.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to UnrealEd.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Engine.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to UnrealEd.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Engine.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Engine.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to UnrealEd.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Engine.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to UnrealEd.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Engine.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Engine.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Engine.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Engine.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Engine.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to UnrealEd.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Landscape.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to PropertyEditor.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Engine.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Engine.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to MaterialShaderQualitySettings.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to UnrealEd.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Engine.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Engine.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to PropertyEditor.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Engine.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Landscape.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Engine.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to UnrealEd.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to PropertyEditor.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Engine.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to UnrealEd.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Landscape.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to PropertyEditor.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Engine.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to UnrealEd.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to UnrealEd.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Engine.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to MaterialShaderQualitySettings.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Engine.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to UnrealEd.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Engine.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to UnrealEd.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Renderer.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Engine.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Engine.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Engine.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Engine.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Engine.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Engine.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Engine.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Engine.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on Landscape which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Engine.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on CollisionAnalyzer which breaks the chain
Found circular reference to Engine.Build.cs, but Engine declares a cycle on LogVisualizer which breaks the chain
Compiler: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.38.33130\bin\Hostx64\x64\cl.exe
Linker: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.38.33130\bin\Hostx64\x64\link.exe
Library Manager: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.38.33130\bin\Hostx64\x64\link.exe
Resource Compiler: C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\bin\10.0.22621.0\x64\rc.exe
Using EngineIncludeOrderVersion.Unreal5_3 for target TessttEditor.Target.cs
UnrealHeaderTool needs to run because no generated code directory was found for module Tesstt
Parsing headers for TessttEditor
Running Internal UnrealHeaderTool F:\Tesstt\Tesstt.uproject F:\Tesstt\Intermediate\Build\Win64\TessttEditor\Development\TessttEditor.uhtmanifest -WarningsAsErrors -installed
Step - Exports
Exporter Stats skipped
Exporter Json skipped
Running exporter CodeGen
Total of 4 written
Reflection code generated for TessttEditor in 1.2202282 seconds
Found 5 shared PCH headers (listed in order of preference):
CppStandard Cpp17 cannot use PCHUsage UseExplicitOrSharedPCHs. Overriding to NoPCHs for TraceAnalysis
CppStandard Cpp17 cannot use PCHUsage UseExplicitOrSharedPCHs. Overriding to NoPCHs for ACLPlugin
CppStandard Cpp17 cannot use PCHUsage UseExplicitOrSharedPCHs. Overriding to NoPCHs for ACLPluginEditor
CppStandard Cpp17 cannot use PCHUsage UseExplicitOrSharedPCHs. Overriding to NoPCHs for UnrealUSDWrapper
VerseVMBytecodeGenerator.Generate, generating CPP headers in: ‘F:\UE5\UE_5.5\Engine\Intermediate\Build\Win64\UnrealEditor\Inc\CoreUObject\VerseVMBytecode’
Writing out generated header file. Changed:False Path:‘F:\UE5\UE_5.5\Engine\Intermediate\Build\Win64\UnrealEditor\Inc\CoreUObject\VerseVMBytecode\VVMBytecodeOps.gen.h’
Writing out generated header file. Changed:False Path:‘F:\UE5\UE_5.5\Engine\Intermediate\Build\Win64\UnrealEditor\Inc\CoreUObject\VerseVMBytecode\VVMBytecodesAndCaptures.gen.h’
Writing out generated header file. Changed:False Path:‘F:\UE5\UE_5.5\Engine\Intermediate\Build\Win64\UnrealEditor\Inc\CoreUObject\VerseVMBytecode\VVMMakeCapturesFuncs.gen.h’
Writing out generated header file. Changed:False Path:‘F:\UE5\UE_5.5\Engine\Intermediate\Build\Win64\UnrealEditor\Inc\CoreUObject\VerseVMBytecode\VVMCaptureSwitch.gen.h’
Compile module: Tesstt
Linking: UnrealEditor-Tesstt.lib
Command: /LIB @“F:\Tesstt\Intermediate\Build\Win64\x64\UnrealEditor\Development\Tesstt\UnrealEditor-Tesstt.lib.rsp”
Linking: UnrealEditor-Tesstt.dll
Command: @“F:\Tesstt\Intermediate\Build\Win64\x64\UnrealEditor\Development\Tesstt\UnrealEditor-Tesstt.dll.rsp”
Default.rc2: Produced item “F:\Tesstt\Intermediate\Build\Win64\x64\UnrealEditor\Development\Tesstt\Default.rc2.res” doesn’t exist.
UnrealEditor-Tesstt.lib: Produced item “F:\Tesstt\Intermediate\Build\Win64\x64\UnrealEditor\Development\Tesstt\UnrealEditor-Tesstt.lib” doesn’t exist.
TessttEditor.target: Produced item “F:\Tesstt\Binaries\Win64\TessttEditor.target” doesn’t exist.
UnrealEditor-Tesstt.dll: Produced item “F:\Tesstt\Binaries\Win64\UnrealEditor-Tesstt.dll” doesn’t exist.
PerModuleInline.gen.cpp: Produced item “F:\Tesstt\Intermediate\Build\Win64\x64\UnrealEditor\Development\Tesstt\PerModuleInline.gen.cpp.obj” doesn’t exist.
SharedPCH.UnrealEd.Project.ValApi.Cpp20.InclOrderUnreal5_3.cpp: Produced item “F:\Tesstt\Intermediate\Build\Win64\x64\TessttEditor\Development\UnrealEd\SharedPCH.UnrealEd.Project.ValApi.Cpp20.InclOrderUnreal5_3.h.obj” doesn’t exist.
Tesstt.init.gen.cpp: Produced item “F:\Tesstt\Intermediate\Build\Win64\x64\UnrealEditor\Development\Tesstt\Tesstt.init.gen.cpp.obj” doesn’t exist.
Tesstt.cpp: Produced item “F:\Tesstt\Intermediate\Build\Win64\x64\UnrealEditor\Development\Tesstt\Tesstt.cpp.obj” doesn’t exist.
Tesstt.gen.cpp: Produced item “F:\Tesstt\Intermediate\Build\Win64\x64\UnrealEditor\Development\Tesstt\Tesstt.gen.cpp.obj” doesn’t exist.
TessttEditor.target: Produced item “F:\Tesstt\Binaries\Win64\UnrealEditor.modules” doesn’t exist.
UnrealEditor-Tesstt.dll: Produced item “F:\Tesstt\Binaries\Win64\UnrealEditor-Tesstt.pdb” doesn’t exist.
PerModuleInline.gen.cpp: Produced item “F:\Tesstt\Intermediate\Build\Win64\x64\UnrealEditor\Development\Tesstt\PerModuleInline.gen.cpp.sarif” doesn’t exist.
SharedPCH.UnrealEd.Project.ValApi.Cpp20.InclOrderUnreal5_3.cpp: Produced item “F:\Tesstt\Intermediate\Build\Win64\x64\TessttEditor\Development\UnrealEd\SharedPCH.UnrealEd.Project.ValApi.Cpp20.InclOrderUnreal5_3.h.sarif” doesn’t exist.
Tesstt.init.gen.cpp: Produced item “F:\Tesstt\Intermediate\Build\Win64\x64\UnrealEditor\Development\Tesstt\Tesstt.init.gen.cpp.sarif” doesn’t exist.
Tesstt.cpp: Produced item “F:\Tesstt\Intermediate\Build\Win64\x64\UnrealEditor\Development\Tesstt\Tesstt.cpp.sarif” doesn’t exist.
Tesstt.gen.cpp: Produced item “F:\Tesstt\Intermediate\Build\Win64\x64\UnrealEditor\Development\Tesstt\Tesstt.gen.cpp.sarif” doesn’t exist.
PerModuleInline.gen.cpp: Produced item “F:\Tesstt\Intermediate\Build\Win64\x64\UnrealEditor\Development\Tesstt\PerModuleInline.gen.cpp.dep.json” doesn’t exist.
SharedPCH.UnrealEd.Project.ValApi.Cpp20.InclOrderUnreal5_3.cpp: Produced item “F:\Tesstt\Intermediate\Build\Win64\x64\TessttEditor\Development\UnrealEd\SharedPCH.UnrealEd.Project.ValApi.Cpp20.InclOrderUnreal5_3.h.dep.json” doesn’t exist.
Tesstt.init.gen.cpp: Produced item “F:\Tesstt\Intermediate\Build\Win64\x64\UnrealEditor\Development\Tesstt\Tesstt.init.gen.cpp.dep.json” doesn’t exist.
Tesstt.cpp: Produced item “F:\Tesstt\Intermediate\Build\Win64\x64\UnrealEditor\Development\Tesstt\Tesstt.cpp.dep.json” doesn’t exist.
Tesstt.gen.cpp: Produced item “F:\Tesstt\Intermediate\Build\Win64\x64\UnrealEditor\Development\Tesstt\Tesstt.gen.cpp.dep.json” doesn’t exist.
SharedPCH.UnrealEd.Project.ValApi.Cpp20.InclOrderUnreal5_3.cpp: Produced item “F:\Tesstt\Intermediate\Build\Win64\x64\TessttEditor\Development\UnrealEd\SharedPCH.UnrealEd.Project.ValApi.Cpp20.InclOrderUnreal5_3.h.pch” doesn’t exist.
Checking for live coding mutex: Global\LiveCoding_F++UE5+UE_5.5+Engine+Binaries+Win64+UnrealEditor.exe
Building TessttEditor…
Using Visual Studio 2022 14.38.33143 toolchain (C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.38.33130) and Windows 10.0.22621.0 SDK (C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10).
[Upgrade] Using backward-compatible include order. The latest version of UE has changed the order of includes, which may require code changes. The current setting is:
[Upgrade] IncludeOrderVersion = EngineIncludeOrderVersion.Unreal5_3
[Upgrade] Suppress this message by setting ‘IncludeOrderVersion = EngineIncludeOrderVersion.Unreal5_5;’ in TessttEditor.Target.cs.
[Upgrade] Alternatively you can set this to ‘EngineIncludeOrderVersion.Latest’ to always use the latest include order. This will potentially cause compile errors when integrating new versions of the engine.
Determining max actions to execute in parallel (16 physical cores, 32 logical cores)
Executing up to 16 processes, one per physical core
Using Unreal Build Accelerator local executor to run 9 action(s)
Storage capacity 40Gb
Deleting old log file: C:\Users\VS_VS\AppData\Local\UnrealBuildTool\Log-backup-2025.01.13-13.49.40.uba
---- Starting trace: 250114_231254_vs29844 ----
UbaSessionServer - Disable remote execution (remote sessions will finish current processes)
------ Building 9 action(s) started ------
[1/9] Resource Default.rc2
[2/9] Compile [x64] SharedPCH.UnrealEd.Project.ValApi.Cpp20.InclOrderUnreal5_3.cpp
[3/9] Compile [x64] Tesstt.init.gen.cpp
[4/9] Compile [x64] Tesstt.cpp
[5/9] Compile [x64] PerModuleInline.gen.cpp
[6/9] Compile [x64] Tesstt.gen.cpp
[7/9] Link [x64] UnrealEditor-Tesstt.lib
[8/9] Link [x64] UnrealEditor-Tesstt.dll
Creating object F:\Tesstt\Binaries\Win64\UnrealEditor-Tesstt.exp
Tesstt.gen.cpp.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol “public: virtual void __cdecl ULandscapeGrassType::PostLoad(void)” (?PostLoad@ULandscapeGrassType@@UEAAXXZ)
Tesstt.gen.cpp.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol “public: virtual void __cdecl ULandscapeGrassType::PostEditChangeProperty(struct FPropertyChangedEvent &)” (?PostEditChangeProperty@ULandscapeGrassType@@UEAAXAEAUFPropertyChangedEvent@@@Z)
F:\Tesstt\Binaries\Win64\UnrealEditor-Tesstt.dll : fatal error LNK1120: 2 unresolved externals
Link [x64] UnrealEditor-Tesstt.dll: Exited with error code 1120 . The build will fail.
Link [x64] UnrealEditor-Tesstt.dll: WorkingDirectory F:\UE5\UE_5.5\Engine\Source
Link [x64] UnrealEditor-Tesstt.dll: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.38.33130\bin\Hostx64\x64\link.exe @“F:\Tesstt\Intermediate\Build\Win64\x64\UnrealEditor\Development\Tesstt\UnrealEditor-Tesstt.dll.rsp”
Trace file written to C:/Users/VS_VS/AppData/Local/UnrealBuildTool/Log.uba with size 6.0kb
Total time in Unreal Build Accelerator local executor: 27.86 seconds
Total execution time: 34.41 seconds
CompilationResultException: OtherCompilationError
at UnrealBuildTool.ActionGraph.ExecuteActionsAsync(BuildConfiguration BuildConfiguration, List1 ActionsToExecute, List1 TargetDescriptors, ILogger Logger, IActionArtifactCache actionArtifactCache) in F:\UE5\UE_5.5\Engine\Source\Programs\UnrealBuildTool\System\ActionGraph.cs:line 471
at UnrealBuildTool.BuildMode.BuildAsync(TargetMakefile Makefiles, List1 TargetDescriptors, BuildConfiguration BuildConfiguration, BuildOptions Options, FileReference WriteOutdatedActionsFile, ILogger Logger, String ActionTypeFilter) in F:\UE5\UE_5.5\Engine\Source\Programs\UnrealBuildTool\Modes\BuildMode.cs:line 823 at UnrealBuildTool.BuildMode.BuildAsync(List1 TargetDescriptors, BuildConfiguration BuildConfiguration, ISourceFileWorkingSet WorkingSet, BuildOptions Options, FileReference WriteOutdatedActionsFile, ILogger Logger, Boolean bSkipPreBuildTargets, String ActionTypeFilter) in F:\UE5\UE_5.5\Engine\Source\Programs\UnrealBuildTool\Modes\BuildMode.cs:line 415
at UnrealBuildTool.BuildMode.ExecuteAsync(CommandLineArguments Arguments, ILogger Logger) in F:\UE5\UE_5.5\Engine\Source\Programs\UnrealBuildTool\Modes\BuildMode.cs:line 255
at UnrealBuildTool.UnrealBuildTool.Main(String ArgumentsArray) in F:\UE5\UE_5.5\Engine\Source\Programs\UnrealBuildTool\UnrealBuildTool.cs:line 687
WriteFileIfChanged() wrote 21 changed files of 51 requested writes.

[ 0.000]