UE 5.4 texture issue with foliage and cloner / FIX

I encountered a texture issue with foliage in version 5.4 when the cloner is at World Center X0 Y0 Z0, resulting in black textures. A temporary solution: offset the Z axis to 0.01, which resolves the problem for now."

anyone have a better fix for this issue please share it with me


Can you solve this…!!! Actually I also face this same issues and no one helping me how to fix it if you know than please help me…

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Hello back

yes, it is an easy fix … offset one position of the cloner from world origin x0 y0 z0 to x0 y0 z 0.001.


Many many thanks to you see my problem but I can’t fixed can you tell me some more tips or send me a video please and please don’t mind :sob:

Wow Thanks !!! … such an easy fix!! - you wont believe how many hours I lost before finding this post!! :man_facepalming:

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