UE 5.4 severe decline in performance

I just upgraded to UE 5.4. Without adding anything, the basic level is unusable; I can’t even navigate…just frozen. I am not sure how to resolve this.

Hi Polonius,

I’m curious to know which engine version you’re upgrading from. (UE4 to UE5, or something like UE5.3 to 5.4?)

Performance regressions from 4 to 5 seem common, but 5.3 to 5.4 would be surprising to me.

I am upgrading from 5.3. I have been messing around with a blank project since I posted this question. I am able to now work within the editor normally. The only change I made was to turn off Lumen, close the project, re-open project, then assign Lumen again. Strange. I then tried to upgrade my existing 5.3 project and it is impossible to navigate. It is basically frozen. At this point I will re-create my project in 5.4. Perhaps this will help me understand what the problem is.

have you tried restarting you PC?

Yes, Quite a few times.