UE 5.4: RunUAT, Remote Control API PlugIn breaking Logs


I have an automated test pipeline for my c++ PlugIns, which I run through GitLab CI.
I use the following code to execute Automation Tests:

.\RunUAT.bat BuildCookRun -project="$Project\Project.uproject" -run -editortest -RunAutomationTest="AutomationTests"

I then parse the logs and fail the pipeline, if I encounter any Errors in the Tests.

Since Unreal Engine 5.4, the logs up until the launch of the Remote Control Webinterface are normal but once the Remote Control Webinterface starts, the logs are broken and every character gets an additional space added:

[ 2 0 2 4 . 0 5 . 2 3 - 0 7 . 5 5 . 4 5 : 7 8 7 ] [     0 ] L o g R e m o t e C o n t r o l W e b I n t e r f a c e :   [ P e n d i n g ]   L a u n c h i n g   R e m o t e   C o n t r o l   W e b   I n t e r f a c e

This happens only when The Remote Control API PlugIn is active for the project.

Best regards

We are seeing this as well. They are not spaces they are null \0. It is like something is capturing UTF16 without decoding it properly. For us we noticed this starting occurring when we included new UPlugins that import NumPy in their init_unreal.py. We are also still trying to solve this.