I cant manage to get Foliage into HLODs. Its easy to build HLODs for the Landscape or static meshes. I’ve tried pretty much everything suggested from documentation, forum posts, tutorial videos on youtube… I get the impression that through the history of UE5-Version-Updates, the process to build HLODs is changing all the time. May be i’m wrong! Is there anybody who knows how the process works and could explain it or post a link?
I’m working with Instanced Static Meshes, each Tree has 4 LODs, the last one is an Impostor.
I’ve tried to build the Foliage HLODs inside the Editor and with the commandlet. I’ve tried to create new HLOD Layers (instanced, merged, …). But they are allways “invalid” after the build.
To get foliage into HLODs in Unreal Engine 5 ensure you’re using the latest version of the engine. Set up HLOD layers in the HLOD Outliner assigning your foliage actors to the correct layers. Configure your foliage settings properly with the correct LODs and impostor LODs. Build HLODs within the HLOD Outliner and check the output log for Jetnet errors if HLODs are marked as “invalid.” Refer to the latest HLOD documentation, community forums, and up to date tutorials for additional guidance. If issues persist post detailed queries on Unreal Engine forums for tailored assistance.
Ty Brandon! I was using UE 5.4.2 which is the latest version, and the HLOD Outliner was greyed out. ty! I cant check it from here, will do when i’m back from holidays
HLOD outliner is used with NON WORLD PARTITION worlds.
Test out a new BLANK non open world and you will have access to it.
Note: It is the old method used with levels and layers.
HLODs are now created using HLOD layers and generated with commandlets or via the build menu.
ty! I’ll try it later. I’m working on an OpenWorld Map with thousands of trees (Imposters). Is Imposter Foliage (Trees, Bushes, etc.) combined in a bigger HLOD chunk? I have no clue how game devs are handling foliage in Open World Games.