UE 5.4 Facing a bug relating to ISM on Android platforms and Android platform preview


I discovered a possible bug in UE 5.4 relating to ISM. I jumped back in 5.4 after all the exciting developments and just for fun was trying to recreate a legacy tutorial with a little bit more optimization and creating a sort of endless runner game.

This - Endless Runner: Overview & Player Control | 01 | v4.7 Tutorial Series | Unreal Engine (youtube.com)

So basically, I have made an “ISM Manager” which spawns the instances of the “floors” instead of directly adding static mesh to improve performance.

I have two methods for my ISM Manager class → Add Instance and Remove Instance.

The Add Instance adds the ISM instance at the world transform of the “FloorTile Class” to spawn a floor.

On the overlap of EndTrigger in my FloorTile Class the Remove Instance function is called which removes the 0th index of the ISM by calling the Remove Instance function.

Now, the bug is - In SM6 preview, the game functions absolutely fine. But when I switch to Android Preview or run the game on an Android device, the Remove Instance Function goes haywire and starts haphazardly removing ISM instances.

Please see the video for understanding - It is 480p due to file size restriction but the issue is clear. This project was completely new in UE 5.4 using the Third Person template

Is no one else facing this kind of issue?