Hello. I am trying to create a UE5.4.2 installed build from source for Windows. After compilation I receive the message:
UnrealBuildTool failed. See log for more details. (E:\UnrealEngine-5.4.2-release\Engine\Programs\AutomationTool\Saved\Logs\UBA-ShaderCompileWorker-Win64-Development.txt)
Here is the log file in question:
UBA-ShaderCompileWorker-Win64-Development.txt (11.8 MB)
During compilation I am getting the following errors:
[16308/23961] Compile [x64] EpicWebHelperRemoteMethodHandler.cpp
E:\UnrealEngine-5.4.2-release\Engine\Source\Programs\EpicWebHelper\Private\EpicWebHelperRemoteMethodHandler.h(58): error C3646: 'OVERRIDE': unknown override specifier
E:\UnrealEngine-5.4.2-release\Engine\Source\Programs\EpicWebHelper\Private\EpicWebHelperRemoteMethodHandler.h(80): error C3646: 'OVERRIDE': unknown override specifier
To package the engine I am using the following command:
call Engine\Build\BatchFiles\RunUAT.bat BuildGraph -target="Make Installed Build Win64" -script="Engine/Build/InstalledEngineBuild.xml" -set:WithWin64=true -set:WithMac=false -set:WithAndroid=false -set:WithIOS=false -set:WithTVOS=false -set:WithLinux=false -set:WithLinuxArm64=false -set:WithClient=false -set:WithServer=false -set:WithDDC=false -set:HostPlatformDDCOnly=false -set:WithFullDebugInfo=false -set:SignExecutables=false
I have tried building from a clean project downloaded directly from GitHub without engine modifications. Additionally, I’ve tried building from the shortest possible directory, putting the project at the root of my E:/ drive, and still get the same result.
Not sure why the build is failing here. My Visual Studio 2022 is up to date. I have the various required C++ build tool installed through VS Installer.
Any insight would be appreciated.