[UE 5.4.1 ]Hardware Mouse Cursor - GrabHand Mouse cursor does not change.

There’s a problem.
I set up a hardware mouse, but some types cannot be set up.
I’m using Project Settings > User Interface > Hardware Cursors.
Is the default mouse cursor displayed well?
When I scroll, the GrabHand mouse cursor is displayed, so I set the mouse cursor image to the GrabHand type in the hardware cursor settings, but it does not change.
It seems that Engine/Content/Editor/Slate/Icons/cursor_grab.png is being set internally. Is there a way to set it to a custom image rather than the engine default image?
If there is anything I have set incorrectly, I would appreciate it if you could let me know.

[ProjectSetting > User Interface > Hardware Cursors]

[Previous Scroll]
