UE 5.3 Unable to use Slice Procedural Mesh in BP

I’ve been following a YT tutorial about making a lightsaber (or any blade) that can actually slice other objects and produce “cut pieces”. However, the tutorial is old and uses UE 4.26 while I use UE 5.3. When I recreated the blueprint in the video it didn’t work, it doesn’t show any errors or warnings and everything is supposed to work but it just doesn’t.

This is the BP, as you can see I’ve been trying to find where the problem is and used “Print string” at every chance but not a single one of the messages was printed.

Can you please help me get this BP to work?

Edit 01:
Just wanted to mention the things I tried but didn’t fix the issue

  1. Change “Begin overlap” to “Component hit”
  2. Change the connection from “Other Component” to “Other Actor”
  3. Change the connection from “Other Component” to “Overlapped Components”
  4. Connect “Slice Procedural Mesh” directly to “Cast to Procedural Mesh Component”