I have a working multiplayer via online subsystem and advance session, using p2p. I’m trying to connect steam sockets. I did it according to documentation, connected plugin, added necessary lines to windowsengine file.
At startup I get warning errors
1 LogSteamShared: Warning: Steam Dedicated Server API failed to initialize.
2 LogOnline: Warning: STEAM: Failed to initialize Steam, this could be due to a Steam server and client running on the same machine. Try running with -NOSTEAM on the cmdline to disable.
3 LogOnline: Warning: STEAM: Steam API failed to initialize!
4 LogSockets: Warning: Unable to load SocketSubsystem module SteamSockets
5 LogUObjectGlobals: Warning: Failed to find object ‘Class /Script/SteamSockets.SteamNetSocketsNetDriver’
6 LogNet: Warning: Error initializing the pending net driver. Check the configuration of NetDriverDefinitions and make sure module/plugin dependencies are correct.
7 LogNet: Warning: Travel Failure: [PendingNetGameCreateFailure]: Error creating network driver.
8 LogSockets: Warning: Unable to load SocketSubsystem module SteamSockets.
Critical errors
1 LogNet: Error: UEngine::BroadcastNetworkFailure: FailureType = NetDriverCreateFailure, ErrorString = , Driver = NONE
2 LogNet: Error: LoadMap: failed to Listen(/Game/ThirdPerson/Maps/ThirdPersonMap??listen)