as the subject states, I am having an issue, or should i say multiple issues with UE 5.3 Sequencer.
I probably started working incorrectly, but that’s besides the point, I am sure there’s multiple different and better/correct ways to go about the thing that I am trying to do, but due to lack of knowledge, elbow grease is all I know.
Now, to elaborate.
I am creating an animation of a boat being built. Due to deadline, I opted for UE instead of blender.
I created a project with a single level. I then added all my static meshes to that same level, but each group of static meshes, has been added to its corresponding folder. (all datasmith import from Rhino).
Frames to frames, longitudinals to longitudinals, shell to shell etc…
Same thing with the sequencer, frames to frames then grouped, longitudinals to longitudinals then grouped etc…Now, i added a level sequencer and started playing around with how i want that animation to go, and how each part comes into its corresponding place. Manual labor is all i know at this point, and learning blueprints was just going to make things worse for me, because of the said deadline.
Now what i “animated” in the sequencer works really good. I then figured, well, i need to somehow play around with the visibility, so instead of creating 20 different levels for each group and then adding a level visibility track, i opted for the convert static meshes to spawnable actors.
Played for a couple of hours to get all 18200 static meshes in order, hit save all… Error. bla bla, persistent level actor_70 linked to external map.
Did a bunch of digging, and found that i in fact do have that actor in my level, but it is in no way pulled in the sequencer. Now, i am not able to save the sequence. Did some more digging and all of a sudden, all my actors turned red, and everything broke apart. TBH, i was at a point where i wanted to jump out of the window from the third floor. Head first, ofcourse.
After a half a pack of cigarettes, i decided to close the project without saving, hoping that, well, i can continue on from my last save. ofcourse i couldnt. why would i right? I was digging a bit more, and figured i could "restore"my map from earlier this morning in hope that at least i will have several hours of selecting spawnable actors, and setting their keyframes for the visibility in.
But now, i am at square one, where i have to redo all this manual clicking and setting because im not able to find a “select all spawnable attributes” in the sequencer, and set the group key in and key out.
And even if there was a button or a way for that, i still get that error that an actor is being referenced from an external map.
My questions for you guys here are the following:
Is there a way to make static meshes spawnable and set their visibility state without me manually selecting and expanding each group?IF there is, how do i do it?
If the above method is plausible, how do i get rid of that error when i cant save my sequence when an error refers to an actor from an external map.
if i choose to go the route of moving groups of static meshes to newly created levels, will my sequncer break again?
Why does the sequencer break links with static meshes when i convert a bunch of meshes to spawnable actors after a failed save? When i say failed save, i hit save all, i says the project is saved but the sequencer is not. i close it and bam, nothings linked anymore. selecting the fix thingy thing does actually nothing.
Sorry for the rather long post, but i had to post and "present"the workflow in order to potentially get an answer on how to fix my problem.
thanks, and whoever solves this for me, i am buying nuggets,fries and coke as a reward. all help is much appreciated