I am using UE 5.3 and trying to implement in app purchases. Signing in to Google Play and Leaderboards work but the second any of the 2 in app purchases nodes are called, the app crashes. There isn’t anything online about this issue. I have tried different Android Studio versions, different SDK versions, different NDK versions, different JDK versions and still no luck! I am using Blueprints not C++.
Error from log:
Assertion failed: false && “Java JNI call failed with an exception.” [File:./Runtime/Core/Private/Android/AndroidJavaEnv.cpp] [Line: 231]
I am using 1 plugin called EasyAdsPro for ads but the problem I am having is related to In-App-Purchases
The project is all blueprints.
I got the packaging to work using:
Flamingo 2022.2.1 Patch 2
Android SDK 33
NDK r25b
JDK 20 (also tried 17,18,19)
Please find attached the nodes that crash the game once they are called with the error specified in the job posting
Have we gotten confirmation that this is indeed an issue with UE and not something we are doing wrong? Seems like this issue would be much bigger than it is if it was broken for everybody. Especially since iOS broke as of UE 5.1, which was released about 1 year ago. And Android as of UE 5.3, which is coming up on 6 months.
Out of all of the hundreds/thousands of UE games, we are the only ones seeing and reporting this problem in the last year?
I’m starting to believe they hate mobile developers. I’ve spent months looking for solutions and the problem is with them. 5.3.2 Same problems / 5.4 Same problems / 5.4.4 Same problems
The only version I didn’t have any problems with on Android was the version 4.27, but it’s impossible for me to go back to this one because even downgrading projects they make it a nightmare.